In 1971 the R&B group, The Temptations, released a hit song, “Just My Imagination”. Here are some of the lyrics:
Each day through my window I watch her as she passes by I say to myself, "You're such a lucky guy" To have a girl like her is truly a dream come true Out of all the fellows in the world, she belongs to me
But it was just my imagination, running away with me It was just my imagination, running away with me.
Your imagination is the ability of your mind to be creative or resourceful. Imagination is a powerful force for forming new ideas, or images or concepts of things not present to the senses. If you are imagining positive developments, experiences, or outcomes, you will begin to sense an enabling ability to do better, be better, or at least expect that things could get better.
Although the Temptations says in their song, It was just my imagination, running away with me, you can run with your imagination, envisioning, working, and hoping for bigger and better outcomes in your life. The bible encourages us to use the power of our imagination: For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7).
There are so many vices in our world today—war, poverty, discrimination, challenges in the church, struggles in the family, violence in our schools and public places, unemployment, high prices of goods and services, and the list goes on. But each of us can begin finding solutions by imagining resolutions to all these challenging situations. Imagine a peaceful world with less poverty. Imagine peace in our hearts, our homes, our communities, and in our churches.
Use the power of your imagination as a force for good. From a place of powerful conception, you can begin to take concrete actions to birth something good or change that which is not good. And your imagination is not a function of your education. So, start dreaming, start imagining, and start creating a better world right where you are.
God calls things that are not as though they were (Roman 4:17). If you serve this God, you can do the same. Faith is being sure of what you hope for, and certain of what you do not see. (Hebrews 11:1) You have more power than you know. Just imagine!
Wisdom for Your Week
If your head can think it and your heart believe it, your hands could achieve it.