Two days ago I preached a sermon on suicide; you may listen to it here Home | Rudybropleh.
Recently, another police officer who responded to the January 6th insurrection at the US Capitol, died by suicide. This past week a family in our community was devastated by the tragedy of suicide. My prayers go up to God for these families, and all those affected by such tragedy.
Suicide is amongst the 10th leading causes of death in the USA. According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 100 deaths is by suicide. While globally the suicide rate is decreasing, in the Americas it is rising. Each of us should do what we can to prevent this tragedy from striking our family, and that of our neighbor’s. Christians in particular need to address suicide and work to prevent it. This is consistent with the Church’s message of life instead of death.
There are so many things in life that can drive a person down the lonely, dark, dangerous, and deadly road of suicide. Whether it is mental, emotional, physical, financial, relational, or spiritual, far too many people are losing the fight, giving in to suicidal thoughts, and taking their own lives. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Jesus warns us, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).
While the devil is the master of death, Jesus is the Lord of abundant life!
Do your part to birth life, nurture life, sustain life, improve the quality of life, and help prevent people from taking life. Your life is a gift from God and how long you will live, and how well you will live, is only known to God. No difficulty on earth or demon in hell should cause you to end your life.
God doesn’t want suicide in our families, our community, our country, our church, and anywhere in the world that He has created. Here are some ways to help prevent the tragedy of suicide.
Notice, name, and nurture people. This is especially true for children since half of mental health conditions appear before the age of 14. Affirm and support young people. Appreciate their struggles and don’t be dismissive of them or their issues. They are real.
Reach out and check on people, especially when they seem withdrawn. It’s easy to say, “I’m minding my business” or “I’m staying in my lane” when it comes to engaging people. But the tragedy of suicide is the “business” of everyone. The more you engage people, the better your chances of identifying troubling signs, and helping people.
Be an obstructionist to suicide. If you’re a politician, ban those toxic chemicals that make poisoning very easy. Restrict access to firearms. Keep medication out of reach. Don’t assist with suicide. Do whatever you can to make it more difficult for a person to take their life.
Be careful in your communication about suicide. Don’t glorify suicide, or talk about its details, lest you encourage copycats. Counter with stories of people who overcame mental health challenges and suicidal thoughts. Talk about life and not death.
Finally, help to lead people to God. The greatest tragedy in the human experience, is to die twice! Hebrews 9:27 says, “Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment…” After death, there is a judgment. And depending on the outcome, you could live forever, or be dying forever. To reject Jesus as Savior and Lord is to commit spiritual suicide. God does not want this for anyone (2 Peter 3:9).
One of the best ways to stop the tragedy of suicide is to pay attention to people and stay engaged with people. Love people. Be in relationships with people. Show appreciation, care, and concern for people. And help lead folks to the Lord of life, who died so that everyone may have abundant life, and eternal life.
Wisdom for Your Week
Your life is a gift from God. What you do with it is your gift to God.
So give God the gift of a full life lived for Him.