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Writer's pictureRudy Bropleh

Long-term Strength for Long-term Struggle

Lord, please help me to hold out, until my change comes. Amen.

A lady who had lost her mother received a call from a minister. The minister offered his condolences and promised to pray for the lady and her family. The lady thanked the minister for his support. As the conversation ended, the minister asked the lady if her mom’s passing was unexpected. “No”, the lady replied, “my mom was sick for 10 years, and I had been caring for her.” Ten years of illness with no improvement or recovery. That is a long-term struggle.

There are some challenges that are short-term; you deal with them and move on. Then there are other challenges that hang around and become a long-term struggle. Physical illness can be one of those long-term struggles that are difficult to deal with. That is where God comes in. He can provide you with long-term strength for your long-term struggle.

What is it that you are dealing with today? What is challenging you? Are you in the midst of a long-term struggle? I encourage you to look to God and ask for help. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)

Strive each day to live your life to the fullest—be your best and do your best. Thank God for the good times and thank God in the bad times (1 Thessalonians 5:18). While expecting every day to be a good day, do not forget that challenges and struggles are a part of life. Jesus warns us: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

Problems come in all shapes and sizes, and for varying durations of time. Regardless of what you are going through and how long you have been or may be going through, God can, and God will provide you with strength for your struggle. And if your struggle is long-term, then God will provide you with long-term strength. No matter your circumstances, continue to trust God; He can help. At the end of the day, all things will work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28).

Whether you realize it or not, God has chosen to love you and claim you as His child. And He has more strength than any struggle you may ever encounter. Trust God: He never fails.

Wisdom for Your Week

God will strengthen you, until there is a resolution to your situation.

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