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Writer's pictureDr. Rudy Bropleh

Celebrate in Your Circumstances

16 Rejoice always…give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18 In the Spring of this year churches all around the world were making preparation for their biggest annual celebration—Easter. Then COVID-19 happened, and that changed everything. There were no big gatherings, festive programs, and packed restaurants. But churches still celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, albeit in a different way! In that new and unusual climate we still found ways to celebrate. Early in our marriage we had one car—my car had broken down and we were using my wife’s. It was not the most convenient situation considering we worked different places. At the time our kids were not riding the bus, so we had to drop them off to school before we went to work. Then two of my wife’s workmates needed a ride to work, so we began taking them. As if we didn’t already have enough going on, the heat in the car went bad; and it was in the middle of winter! Despite all of our challenges, we never complained. Instead, we found ways to celebrate in the midst of our circumstances. It was cold in the car, but we initiated joyful conversations. My kids were squeezed up in the back seat, but they didn’t complain. Our “riders” did not offer a dollar for gas, but we kept picking them up each morning. Our circumstances may not have been ideal, but we celebrated the goodness of God toward us. Today, we don’t have enough space to park the cars we have.   What are you celebrating today? Or what have you forgotten to celebrate? Sometimes we want to wait until everything is the way we want it before we celebrate. But God wants us to celebrate no matter our circumstances. Even if the circumstances of your life are challenging, have a joyful and grateful attitude in the midst of it all. That would be God’s preference for how you respond to the difficult circumstances in your life (1 Thessalonians 5:16, 18).  King David pleaded with God to save his son. But when the boy died, David found a way to celebrate by worshipping God (2 Samuel 12:20-23). Job lost his properties and children; yet in the midst of his tragic circumstances, he said this: “The Lord gives and the Lord has taken away…may the name of the Lord be praised.” (Job 1:21) Celebrate your humble beginnings. Celebrate your meager means. Celebrate the opportunities you have to fix what is broken and solve problems. In good times and in bad times, choose to remain positive, celebrate, and be content. For Godliness with contentment is great gain. (1 Timothy 6:6)   Regardless of your circumstances or situation, you have the opportunity for a celebration. And celebration can change your circumstances—how you see them and respond to them.   

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